General terms of use

Accessing and browsing the website of the Viopen company and using our online store for the purpose of making your purchases on it is at your sole responsibility, subject to all applicable legislative provisions and governed by the following terms and conditions. Before entering and using our online store, read carefully and make sure that you have understood and that you agree with the said terms, rules, statements and conditions, as long as your further use and browsing of the website and also only the submission of an order through of our company’s online store automatically constitutes full and unconditional consent and acceptance by the customer/user of these general terms and conditions of use. A customer/user who does not agree with the following conditions must refrain from using the online store and from any transaction with it. The Viopen company informs the users through this website of any changes in the terms of transactions while retaining the right to unilaterally modify or renew any of the present terms of use at any time and to change the content of the website at any time. Customers/users, in turn, bear the sole responsibility to check periodically for any modifications to these terms of use. These amendments are binding and your use of the website will be deemed to have accepted them. Any modification is not valid and therefore does not affect orders already placed and routed for delivery. It should be noted that the quoted prices only concern purchases through the eshop.

User Obligations/Responsibilities

The customer/user of the online store website of the Viopen company is obliged to use the website in accordance with the law and these terms. He accepts and undertakes that he will not use the company’s online store to send, publish and transmit in any way content that is illegal and in this capacity violates the applicable Greek and Community legislation and its provisions. Post, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit content such as inside, proprietary and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of business relationships or covered in confidentiality agreements, content that infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or proprietary rights of third parties as well as content that is intentionally or unintentionally designed to cause damage and stop the operation of the website in question, commonly material that contains viruses is an act punishable by criminal law and is expressly and unequivocally prohibited on the company’s website.

Visiting and entering into transactions through the company’s online store must be done exclusively for personal/private use and for legal purposes and always in accordance with these terms and conditions of use. The customer/user accepts and undertakes not to carry out acts or omissions that can cause damage and lead to the malfunctioning of the company’s online store by affecting or endangering the services provided by it and causing illegal insult and damage to the company. We recommend that you observe the basic security rules of online transactions and that you change your personal secret security code (password) at regular intervals, avoiding the use of the same and easily traceable codes. The ownership of all products sold remains with the company until the full and complete payment of the price and all kinds of additional contractual costs and expenses that may be borne by the customer (transportation costs, taxes, duties, customs duties). After delivery of the sold products the risk of damage or destruction and loss thereof is automatically transferred from the company to the customer/buyer. The customer/buyer must check the products upon receipt at the time of delivery of the order, the condition of the products and the intactness of their packaging in order to identify any defects created during transport. Finally, the use of the online store by minors or persons lacking legal capacity is prohibited.

The prices of the products listed in the online store DO NOT include the 24% VAT
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